Since 2011, for almost 10 years, I’ve been working in diverse biomedical laboratories. I started in the field of Carcinogenesis where I was working with cancer stem cells, after which, I moved to the lab of immunopathology and genetics to work with DNA and RNA from the bone marrow of patients with leukemia. Finally, I started PhD studies in the lab of cell interactions, researching signaling mechanisms in neural and glial cells of the brain. I felt a huge passion for science.
In 2016 I had to write an article to get points needed to gain scholarship. I chose to write about global problems in science [1]. I found out about a global irreproducibility crisis caused by many reasons: lack of methods standardization, detailed information missing in publications, inaccurate research design, low statistical power of research, amateurish analysis of results, pressure of frequent publishing especially positive results, to name a few. I was shocked by my research findings. This is when my life mission was born – to boost the quality of science [3].
In 2018 I started an on-line course to learn Python programming language as I had missed solving math puzzles. Very soon I realized that coding is very satisfying, and I loved it!
After the course, I wrote a program to organize references in the text of the extensive review paper I was currently writing [2]. Next, I finished several courses in Machine Learning. I’ve learnt some of Computer Vision, data prediction and Natural Language Processing. This is when I discovered my new passion.
Then two things happened. First, my scientific project was rejected with the formal following reason: “it was the same as in the previous round”. However, the real reason was that it had the same topic. The project itself was 70% different and it received a very high score. I would have received the grant, if only the formal committee talked to the meritorical committee, and no appeals could change it.
Second, my scholarship was ending and without a grant I wouldn’t have had the money to live. I started looking for a job in tech companies. After several months I got a job as a Data Scientist in a global tech corporation. It took me a while to decide what to do with my PhD studies. I finally realized that I don’t need a scientific title to change the world. So, I left science.
The combination of my two passions, for science and technology gave birth to brainiverse – a solution aiming to improve the quality of scientific discoveries. This is only possible by global changes, global cooperation, and global awareness of Scientists’ responsibility. It is us, Scientists, who create the solutions that cure diseases, save lives, and bring the technology to connect, learn, travel, or discover new planets. The results of scientific research influence all humans. Therefore, we should all get involved in shaping our future. Together we can start a new era of science. I deeply believe in collective genius. I’ll do my best to take science to the next level.